The new Worrell Reserve Skate Park and Youth Plaza is now open

The new park has been designed to cater to skateboarders, BMX bikers, and scooter riders of all ages and experience.

With a variety of new ramps, rails, and obstacles, the space offers endless fun and challenges for riders. Other additions to the youth plaza include a large shelter area, drinking fountain, and a multi-use ball court, making it ideal for community use.

We encourage all riders to wear appropriate safety gear and follow the posted rules and regulations to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.

The final design for the Worrell Reserve Skate Park and Youth Plaza is now complete

Thank you to all community members who provided their input and feedback on the concept plan for the Worrell Reserve Skatepark and Youth Plaza in December 2022. The community consultation summary and final design and can be found in the document library below.

Stage 1 Consultation

Stage 2 Consultation

You are invited to have your say on the draft concept design for the proposed Worrell Reserve youth plaza and skate park which has been prepared based on your feedback received during round one community consultation.

The community consultation period ran for three weeks during July and August of this year.

It included an online survey, drop-in sessions at the Emerald Primary and Emerald Secondary schools, as well as an onsite drop-in session held at the Hills Hub in Emerald.

We heard ideas and suggestions from children, young people, families, and the broader community, which has helped us to prepare the draft concept design. The online survey data showed a high proportion of Skateboarders, aged 30+, that preferred street/plaza styled skateparks. Their skill level was evenly spread. The Primary School results showed a high proportion of BMX and Scooter riders, preferring snake run/flow and street styled skateparks with mostly transition elements. There was also a strong interest in ball sports. The Secondary College results showed a high proportion of BMX and Skateboard riders, preferring snake run/flow and street styled skateparks with mostly transition elements.

For more details, click on the consultation summary report in the document library on the right-hand side of the screen.

The skate park and youth plaza draft concept design has been prepared by well-known skate park designer, Baseplate who designed the popular Gembrook Leisure Park skate park in 2018, and more recently, the Cochrane Park skate park in Koo Wee Rup.

The draft concept has been designed to include the Top 5 Skate Elements that were highlighted during the community consultation process and the overall design also takes into consideration the Top 5 Youth Plaza Elements:

The Top 5 Skate Elements from the community consultation were:

· Hips & corners

· Enclosed bowl

· Mini ramp

· Quarter pipe; and

· Unique element.

Other features of the skate park and proposed youth plaza (some items are subject to funding) include:

· Proposed MUGA (multi-use games area) and connecting paths to the skate park

· Proposed Wifi in the shelter located next to the MUGA and skate park

· Proposed Terraced seating

· Bins and signs

· Planting and shade trees

· Shelter; and

· Drinking fountain.

The available budget for the skate park has allowed for further inclusions to ensure beginner, intermediate and advanced riders are catered for with a wide variety of heights, angles and elements. The whole space has been designed to work with the existing landform, create clear and open entry points and importantly, provide elements that do not exist in the surrounding skateparks to further enhance the diversity of terrain in the broader area.

The state government has proposed to fund the skate park elements of the draft concept design, however, the youth plaza elements are subject to future funding being available. The construction of the skate park and youth plaza will reflect the final design incorporating your feedback through this next round of community consultation.

Feedback closes 5 December 2022.

With the support of Baseplate, we will be engaging on this draft concept design with the local schools, key stakeholders at the park, and the broader community with a drop-in session available on site at the Hills Hub located in Worrell Reserve on 23 November 2022 @ 3:30-5.30pm.

Round 2 community consultation closes 5 December 2022.

Favourite skate park type
Favourite skate elements

Project Update May 2023

Project Update

Thank you to all community members who provided their input and feedback on the concept plan for the Worrell Reserve Skatepark and Youth Plaza.

There was an overwhelming positive response to the concept design which was greatly appreciated! Minor changes to the skatepark street course area were requested and easily accommodated in the final concept design. The bowl received some comments in terms of shape, depth, and radius, with the final shape redesigned to accommodate the feedback and deliver a better bowl design for the community.

Skill levels throughout the skatepark were reviewed following feedback and resulted in the street course being flipped. This gives a natural progression from left to right starting on the flat area of the Youth Plaza and MUGA (multi use games area), to the beginner elements in the street course, intermediate elements in the street course, and finally to the advanced bowl on the right.

The design was developed to reflect the feedback received from the community and at the same time match the available funding. The grant funding received from the State Government is available to deliver the skatepark only and does not include the proposed Youth Plaza. Therefore, a staged approach will be adopted. Stage 1 will include the delivery of the full skatepark and surrounding infrastructure including shelter, paths, drinking fountain, and seating, and to provide a Youth Plaza in the short term, we will re-use one of the existing netball courts to provide the Youth Plaza consisting of a multi-use court. The proposed new Youth Plaza will be delivered in Stage 2 when funding becomes available.

The community consultation summary and final design and can be found in the document library on this page.

Detailed design will now commence, with construction anticipated to start in late 2024.