
Active Cardinia Strategy

16 February 2023

Open for community feedback - make your voice count!

As you may know the Active Cardinia Strategy is under development. An initial round of consultation was completed in July 2022, and we now have a draft strategy and action plan.

The purpose of the Active Cardinia Strategy (ACS) is to provide a blueprint for supporting a healthier and more active, inclusive, and connected community, through partnerships, services, and programs – sports development and active recreation. The ACS will also provide Council and the Cardinia Shire community with a framework and direction for the long-term planning, development, management, and maintenance of sport and active recreation facilities within Cardinia Shire Council.

Clubs are asked to;

  1. Review the draft strategy and action plan and provide us with any feedback directly. One written submission on behalf of your club can be sent to Cardinia Shire via the Sports Development email address – I have attached the draft summary report.
  2. Visit the Creating Cardinia page to provide feedback based on the questions provided
  3. Use social media or forward on an email or to club members and community using the below encouraging them to provide feedback. Please feel free to personalise this based on your club.

We are seeking feedback on the key opportunity and challenges identified, to ensure we’ve captured the issues most relevant. We are asking the community to advise what actions they consider should be addressed, and prioritise all of the short term actions based on importance to them. All other feedback is welcome.

Copy to use on social media -

Have your say – Draft Active Cardinia Strategy

The Active Cardinia Strategy (ACS) is to provide a blueprint for supporting a healthier and more active, inclusive, and connected community, through partnerships, services, and programs – sports development and active recreation. The ACS will also provide Council and the Cardinia Shire community with a framework and direction for the long-term planning, development, management, and maintenance of sport and active recreation facilities within Cardinia Shire Council.

As part of the community consultation we are asking residents to provide us with information on the draft Active Cardinia Strategy. All sporting club members and community are encouraged to respond. You may be active in a different way and we would love to hear your feedback. Feedback is welcome from ALL community residents, from children though to older adults. It is open now until 7 March 2023.

Please visit to have your say.

If you have any questions or would like to meet directly and discuss any feedback please contact Mel Pratt. The second round of engagement closes on 7 March 2023.