Welcome to the Cardinia Shire Sporting Club Portal

Council has created this portal as a place for volunteers to access important resources, information and dates, and to further support sporting clubs with their operations.


Sports Forum

Opportunity for clubs to share information with each other and to ask questions. Please include your Full Name and the name of the club you are a member of when commenting.



Grant programs support community groups, organisations and other non-profit organisations to develop projects, activities, and services that contribute to the wellbeing and quality of life of those who live and work in Cardinia Shire.


Grant programs support community groups, organisations and other non-profit organisations to develop projects, activities, and services that contribute to the wellbeing and quality of life of those who live and work in Cardinia Shire.

Key Strategy and Policy

Active Cardinia Strategy

Active Cardinia Strategy

The Active Cardinia Strategy provides a framework and direction for the long-term planning, development and management of sport and recreation facilities across the municipality and identifies programming and activation opportunities to drive increased participation in sport and active recreation across Cardinia Shire.

The opportunities to grow participation in sport and active recreation by engaging our community is a key priority of this Strategy. We also strive to remove barriers to participation, creating environments that are inclusive and diverse within our community.

Active Cardinia Strategy

Active Cardinia Strategy (Summary Version)

Active Cardinia Strategy (Key Recommendations)

To inform the development of the draft Active Cardinia Strategy, we asked sporting clubs, state sporting associations, industry bodies, community groups and community members a range of questions about being active in Cardinia Shire. The image below summarises the feedback received:

Fair Access Policy

Fair Access Policy

Cardinia Shire Council have adopted a new Fair Access Policy and Fair Access Action Plan to promote and support the participation of women and girls in sport and active recreation within Cardinia.

This new policy establishes a consistent framework to advance inclusivity and provide equitable access to sport and recreation opportunities for women and girls, ensuring fairness for all community members.

The Fair Access Policy strives to enhance and effectively manage Cardinia's sports and active recreation facilities, creating opportunities to strengthen women's and girls' participation.

Council's commitment to facilitating equal access for women and girls aligns with the strategic initiative introduced by the Office for Women in Sport and Recreation in partnership with Sport and Recreation Victoria.

Community consultation on the draft Fair Access Policy and Action Plan was undertaken from 25 June to 14 July 2024 to ensure the policy effectively meets the needs of women and girls in sport and active recreation. Community feedback helped shape the final policy.

The new Fair Access Policy, accompanied by the Fair Access Action Plan, reflects Council's commitment to creating an inclusive and accessible community sports sector.

The adoption of this policy and action plan is a significant step in ensuring that sporting spaces are welcoming and accommodating for all community members.

Club Operational Resource Toolkit

This toolkit includes information, forms and resources aimed to assist the operations of your sporting club/user group.


Cardinia Shire has many recreation reserves catering for a range of sports. Most grounds are available for casual hire. Council-managed grounds are available for sporting clubs and user groups to hire casually, seasonally or for an event.

Key/SALTO Access

Locks at a number of Council facilities are being replaced with an electronic access (SALTO) system. This page has information for facility users on the new electronic access system and how to use it. Over the next few years, the electronic access (SALTO) system will be gradually rolled out to all Council-owned facilities. User groups will be contacted before the new system is installed.


Maintenance of buildings and facilities is shared between the Council, committees and user groups. A list of the responsibilities of each party can be found in the Buildings and Facilities Maintenance Policy. User groups can raise a maintenance request through Council using the Maintenance Form.


New developments or major improvements (i.e. significant upgrade or change to the structure of a building or playing surface) require capital funding. Council has a rolling program for major maintenance and upgrades of items including, but not limited to: buildings, sports fields, courts, cricket nets and playgrounds. A review has been undertaken and the Sport Facility Standards Policy (2019) developed to provide a clear position for the provision by Council of indoor and outdoor sporting facilities into the future, ensuring that resources are allocated appropriately and that the facilities provide for the needs of the Cardinia community and individual sports competitions.


Club Development Resource Toolkit

This toolkit helps support sporting clubs through community development, engagement and creating more inclusive active opportunities.

Child Safe

Child Safeguarding is important at your sporting club and something Council takes very seriously. Council now collect data on seasonal allocations that your club is adhering to the requirements and standards regarding Child Safeguarding and the 11 standards. If your club requires any support or further information, please contact your State Sporting Association or utilise the resources below. It is highly recommended your club volunteers complete VicSport’s Free Online Child Safe Education Program.

Sport Integrity Australia

Sport Integrity Australia was established on 1 July 2020 to safeguard the integrity of Australian sport. They provide a range of information including policies, resources, education and support services, including assistance with issues regarding child safety.

Sport Integrity Australia are committed to embedding child safety measures across all levels of sport, from grassroots through to high performance. Their National Integrity Framework highlights safeguarding children as a key priority and outlines the zero tolerance approach for any behaviour that puts the wellbeing of children and young people at risk.


Play by the Rules

Play by the Rules is a free online platform that provides information, resources, tools and free online training to increase the knowledge and capability of all involved in community sport.

Play by the Rules focusses on managing issues associated with discrimination, harassment, child safety, member protection, inclusion and integrity issues in sport.

Play by the Rules offers a free and interactive online Child Protection Course for players, volunteers, officials, coaches and administrators of sport. The course provides information on child protection laws, how the laws apply to sporting organisations and individuals, where, when and how to report incidents and how to establish welcoming and inclusive child safe environments.


Active Kids


The Get Active Kids Voucher Program helps eligible families get their kids involved in organised sport and active recreation activities. Eligible children may receive up to $200 to cover the costs for membership and registration fees.

You can apply for a voucher worth up to $200 that you can redeem with a registered activity provider.

When you register or pay for your membership you will provide the activity provider with your voucher code and they will reduce the cost of the registration and/or membership fee up to the value of $200.

For Providers (Clubs/User Groups):

Is your club registered to accept the vouchers as a provider? We are aiming to get ALL Cardinia Shire sports clubs registered. Register NOW to become a Get Active Kids activity provider. As a registered provider, you will be able to accept Get Active Kids vouchers valued at up to $200.

To be eligible, a sport or active recreation club, association or organisation must meet the following criteria:

  • Be an incorporated entity registered with the appropriate regulator.
  • Possess an active Australian Business Number (ABN).
  • Be affiliated to a Sport and Recreation Victoria (SRV) recognised Victorian State Sporting Association (SSA) or Victorian State Sport and Active Recreation Body (SSARB).*

*The list of recognised Victorian sport and recreation organisations can be found on the SRV website.

Organised sport, active recreation activities and outdoor recreation programs including camps are eligible if the activity is:

  • delivered to children and young people aged 0 to 18 years
  • a minimum of four sessions
  • offered at the same cost to other participants
  • run by an eligible provider

You will need to have the following information to register:

  • Organisation details including organisation name, address and contact details
  • Type of organisation and Incorporation Number
  • Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • Your name and role within the organisation
  • Your email address and contact phone number
  • A copy of certificate of currency of your organisation’s public liability insurance.
  • Organisation bank account details.

Please note, if the Activity Provider is not a Victorian incorporated entity registered with the appropriate regulator, an application can be submitted by an auspice organisation.

You will need to create a Services Victoria account to register. Registration is quick and easy and eligible providers can sign up here - https://service.vic.gov.au/services/register-as-get-active-kids-provider/home?utm_source=agency

Healthy Sports Clubs

Sports clubs play a vital role in our community and are an important place for positive healthy change.

Healthy Sports Clubs encourages clubs to create healthier environments that promote good health and wellbeing. The initiative is built around a framework that focuses on a whole club approach. It brings together existing health and wellbeing efforts and looks at how they can be strengthened.

For information about Monash Health's Healthy Sports Club, please contact Hannah Rowe on 0484 651 732, email hannah.rowe@monashhealth.org or visit https://monashhealth.org/services/health-promotion/healthy-sports-clubs/

Cardinia Shire recognises the current clubs registered and completing Healthy Sports Clubs:

  • Catani Netball Club – recognised for Mental Wellness and working on Injury Prevention.
  • Koo Wee Rup Bowls Club – working on Healthy Food & Beverages.
  • Koo Wee Rup Netball Club – recognised for Mental Wellness.
  • Lang Lang Cricket Club – recognised for Smoke Free Clubs and working on Sun Protection.
  • Nar Nar Goon Netball Club – recognised for Mental Wellness, Smoke Free Clubs and Injury Prevention.
  • Officer City Soccer Club – recognised for Healthy Food & Beverages (Level 1) and Smoke Free Clubs, and working on Mental Wellness and Vic Kids Eat Well.
  • Officer Kangaroos Junior Football Club – recognised for Injury Prevention.
  • Officer Tennis Club – recognised for Mental Wellness and Inclusion (CALD) and working on Smoke Free Clubs.
  • Pakenham Eels Rugby League Club – working on Inclusion (General).
  • Pakenham Lions Netball Club – recognised for Mental Wellness and working on Injury Prevention.
  • Reach Gymnastics – working on Inclusion (LGBTI+).
  • Upper Beaconsfield Cricket Club – recognised for Injury Prevention and working on Mental Wellness.


Cardinia Shire Council delivers sports club development workshops and training for the purpose of supporting sporting clubs, groups and their volunteers become stronger and sustainable organisations so they can encourage more people to participate in sport, recreation and leisure activities These workshops are offered to community club volunteers free of charge. We encourage sporting clubs to send a variety of members so the skill development and opportunities are shared.

From time to time Cardinia Shire Council will offer accredited training at a subsidised cost to participants. Topics are determined from club feedback and are aimed at providing information, guidance, and support regarding relevant topics. If you’re interested in a topic being run or your club would like some free one-on-one club support please contact us.

These workshops are facilitated by industry based organisations engaged by Cardinia Shire Council. The workshops are offered either by digital remote (online) or in person and conducted from 6:45 – 8:30pm.

We are currently reviewing the workshop series based on club needs and will launch the 2025 calendar this December. Stay Tuned! Topics we may include are:

  • Child Safety
  • Men and Allies
  • Fair Access – women and girls
  • Volunteers – attracting, retaining and rewarding
  • Pitching your program for funding
  • Sponsorship
  • Responsible Service of Alcohol
  • Inclusion and Participation
  • Mental Health First Aid
  • Strategic Plans – why every club should have one and how!

Stay tuned for dates and booking details.

If your club has any ideas or topics of interest, please email sportdev@cardinia.vic.gov.au

Training for Volunteers/Community Organisations

Council offers a range of free or subsidised training for volunteers to support our volunteer community organisations such as sporting clubs, neighbourhood houses, community asset committees and many more.

Subsidised Accredited Training for Volunteers

Did you know Council provide subsidised training for local volunteers? With 8 Neighborhood Houses across the shire as the training providers, you can apply for a 50% subsidised course fee (conditions apply). Course options include:

  • Food handling
  • Basic bookkeeping
  • First aid and CPR
  • Computer courses and digital literacy.
  • We wanted to take an opportunity to promote to you some upcoming training session provided by Outlook Community Centre which can be subsidised. If you would like to take part in the program, complete the Enrollment Form and note on the course/class section “volunteer subsidy” along with the course name. From here Outlook will provide you with any additional paperwork or information needed to take part in the initiative.


    Previous Workshops

    Please see below a collection of additional resources and useful links.