Final outcome

Thank you to all those that participated in the naming process for the Thewlis Integrated Child & Family Centre. We are excited to announce the official name of its next Child and Family Centre, set to open in 2025 in Pakenham, will be ‘Boollam Boollam Child and Family Centre’.

  • Boollam Boollam

    Boollam Boollam (Bullam Bullam) to Bunurong people this symbolises growth, development, and change. It represents the journey of our community and how we evolve, mirroring how a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly. Just as the butterfly undergoes a transformative process, it serves as a reminder of the constant evolution and growth that occurs within us and our surrounding community.

About the consultation

Geographic Names Victoria and Council’s Place Naming Policy strongly encourage the use of indigenous language when considering naming of local roads, features and localities. In consultation with our Place Names Advisory Committee and the Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation, we presented three culturally significant names for the centre for you to vote on.

Consultation was open from 3 June – 30 June 2024. The naming process undertaken followed the same process used for Council’s last three Child & Family Centres within the Shire (namely Kone-wark, Kurm-boon and Toun-nun); identifying a name of indigenous connection or significance to the area.

What we heard

  • 63% (117 votes) for Boollam Boollam

  • 28% (51 votes) for Benup

  • 9% (16 votes) for Nearkey Bik

Next steps

Boollam Boollam Child & Family Centre has been endorsed by Council as the new name of this facility at the Council Meeting on 19 August 2024. The centre is set to open early 2025 and will facilitate delivery of essential early years’ services such as kindergarten, Maternal & Child Health and other allied health and wellbeing activities for the local community via it’s 3 kindergarten rooms, 3 consulting rooms and 1 multipurpose community room.