About the project

Council prepared a Structure Plan and Urban Design Framework for the Pakenham Major Activity Centre, which outlined future changes and upgrades to Pakenham town centre until 2035.

These upgrades aim to improve community amenity, access, transport and travel, and determine future land use and planning for the town centre.

The community were consulted on the Structure Plan and Urban Design Framework in 2019, before the plans were approved by Council and the Planning Minister in 2021.

The Pakenham Revitalisation project will not only support the upgrades outlined in the Structure Plan, but is in line with the projected population growth, community feedback, consumer preferences and in response to the development market.

Key Dates

24 - 25 August 2023 from 8pm-5am

Tree removal works

Main Street, John Street and Station Street, Pakenham will be temporarily closed for tree removal works from 8pm-5am on Thursday 24 August and Friday 25 August 2023.

  • Traffic management will be in place and delays are expected in the area.
  • There will be reduced speed limit and traffic and footpath detours setup throughout the works.
  • Access to local businesses will be maintained for operators who need to access their business during these closure hours.

Please obey all signs and instructions from traffic management staff, to keep all drivers, pedestrians, and contractors safe.

Overview and Community Connection

Main Street Trees

Some of the existing trees in Main Street, Pakenham have grown too large and are causing safety issues and damage to the road, drainage and footpaths.

The 13 existing Crepe Myrtles in Main Street Central were removed in August 2023 and were transplanted along Bayview Road, Officer to give them the best chance at survival.

New trees will be planted along Main Street as part of our 2024 Pakenham Revitalisation Stage 1 works.

The new trees will be planted:

  • along both sides of the road to provide better shade coverage
  • in tree pits that are designed to support the trees while containing the spread of the roots
  • watered with stormwater from the road and footpaths.
  • positioned to accommodate better accessibility.

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