Pakenham, a place for people

Pakenham is going through a big transition, as it moves from a suburb on the fringe of Metropolitan Melbourne, to a destination for thousands of new residents and workers.

Pakenham's population is expected to rapidly increase within the next 20 years, so to allow for this future growth, we're planning to expand and upgrade the centre of Pakenham over the next decade.

As Pakenham becomes a destination, we need to be clear about the type of investment and development we want in the area.

Council is committed to work with our community to ensure we are building a vibrant and prosperous Pakenham that we can not only be proud to visit, but proud to call home.

Project overview

The Pakenham Revitalisation project will deliver upgrades across Main Street, John Street, Station Street, Drake Place, Pakenham and the surrounding laneways and arcades.

Works will be delivered across 12 stages, aiming to create a vibrant and prosperous Pakenham for all people.

Through these works, we want to create an attractive environment that can host a range of events and activities, both during the day and night. We want to make it safer for people to move through and access our town centre, and attract more visitors to give local businesses the boost they need.

Project stages

We will improve Main Street to make it more people focused, vibrant, safe, and accessible for all. The improvements will include:

  • High quality and wider footpaths along Main Street to improve the pedestrian accessibility and experience
  • Raised platform zebra crossings to improve pedestrian safety
  • Parallel parking bays with more accessible kerb ramps to replace the existing angle parking bays and barrier kerb
  • Improved street lighting
  • New seating and street furniture
  • New street trees better suited to Main Street
  • Areas for outdoor dining
  • New ‘all ability signage’ to make it easy to move in and around the Pakenham Activity Centre

September 2024 - Stage 1A - Main Street Central works:

This timeframe is linked to requirements to current funding received from the Victorian Government.

Late 2024 - Stage 1B - Main Street Gateway works:

It is anticipated the second part of Main Street will be delivered in late 2024 to coordinate works with the Level Crossing Project.

As part of these works:

  • New parallel parking bays will create more space for streetscape improvements including wider pedestrian areas, new seating and street furniture. Parallel parking bays will provide drivers with better visibility and reduce the risk of collisions.
  • 4 on-street accessible parking bays will be located at the centre of Main Street. Additional off-street accessible parking bays will be provided in the James Street carpark and at the future Pakenham Community Hospital and Pakenham Station.

Main Street Central

Main Street Gateway

*Renders shown indicatively only

Install a consistent wayfinding system across Pakenham Major Activity Centre that is cohesive, efficient and provides clear directions across the activity centre.

  • Parallel carpark line marking
  • Upgrade secondary footpaths
  • Consider street tree planting
  • Improve connection to Bourke Park
  • Upgrade Drake Place
  • Opportunity for mixed-use development with multi-level car parking
  • Upgrading Main St arcades and laneways
  • Opportunity for activation (murals/arts festival)
  • Upgrade surface finishes
  • Potential to engage local artists
  • Upgrade lighting for safety
  • Outdoor furniture
  • Weather protection

Upgrading John Street from:

  • Main Street to Drake Place
  • Extension from Drake Place through to Henty Street.
  • Upgrade primary footpaths
  • Consider street tree planting
  • Street furniture
  • Formalise James Street carpark
  • Multi-level parking
  • Upgrade primary footpaths
  • Consider street tree planting
  • Gateway element
  • Street furniture
  • Upgrade footpaths
  • Consider street tree planting
  • Upgrade footpaths
  • Review uses along Bald Hill Road
  • Consider street tree planting

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Project History

Council prepared a Structure Plan and Urban Design Framework for the Pakenham Major Activity Centre, which outlined future changes and upgrades to Pakenham town centre until 2035.

These upgrades aim to improve community amenity, access, transport and travel, and determine future land use and planning for the town centre.

The community were consulted on the Structure Plan and Urban Design Framework in 2019, before the plans were approved by Council and the Planning Minister in 2021.

The Pakenham Revitalisation project will not only support the upgrades outlined in the Structure Plan, but is in line with the projected population growth, community feedback, consumer preferences and in response to the development market.

Main Street trees

Some of the existing trees in Main Street, Pakenham have grown too large and are causing safety issues and damage to the road, drainage and footpaths.

The 13 existing Crepe Myrtles in Main Street Central were removed in August 2023 and were transplanted along Bayview Road, Officer to give them the best chance at survival.

New trees will be planted along Main Street as part of our 2024 Pakenham Revitalisation Stage 1 works.

The new trees will be planted:

  • along both sides of the road to provide better shade coverage
  • in tree pits that are designed to support the trees while containing the spread of the roots
  • watered with stormwater from the road and footpaths.
  • positioned to accommodate better accessibility.

There's a lot going on in Pakenham...

The community are shown describing what they love about living in and around Pakenham, Victoria. The main message collated from these residents handwritten notes is that Pakenham is a place for all people.

Pakenham, a place for people

We are collecting your feedback to inform the Pakenham Revitalisation project . To see our complete Privacy Policy please see


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