Final outcome

Thank you for your participation in shaping the final Fair Access Policy at Cardinia Shire Council. Council have now endorsed the final policy at the Council meeting on 19 August 2024. You can download and read the final policy in the link below:


Engagement Results

Feedback on the Draft Fair Access was gained from the community during consultation from 15 June - 14 July 2024 with an open access survey for the general public, and a closed access survey for sport clubs/Management Committees.

Community (Open Access) Results

Sporting Clubs/Management Committees (Closed Access) Results

General Themes from the feedback

  • Facilities are not welcoming and inclusive as older facilities are not adequate, in particular change rooms and appropriate levels of lighting to facilitate safe access to and from the building.
  • Insufficient number of facilities to accommodate demand for training and competition

Club culture is very important to create a friendly and welcoming environment for female participation. Council has a role to support Clubs and Community Asset Committees to embrace the principles of Fair Access.

Women and girls should be fairly represented in club honours, promotions and committees

Cost to participate particularly for females who take on the primary care giver role is a factor to increase female participation.

  • Modified opportunities to support people of all abilities that consider social participation and less focus on competition.
  • Creating opportunities that consider the demands of professional and personal commitments for females in particular support mechanisms for single parents.
  • Opportunities to improve sporting pathways for women through collaboration with State Sporting Bodies. Diversify opportunities (e.g. cycling) to support people who can't commit to traditional sport clubs and the diverse range of skill levels of participants

Acknowledge Clubs who are committed to creating safe and welcoming environments.


Changes made to the Fair Access Policy and Action Plan

As a result of the feedback gained during the consultation, Council have made amendments to the Fair Access Policy and Action Plan accordingly. These changes include:

  • Review existing documents including, but not limited to, Fees and Charges, seasonal allocations / occupancy agreements, operational guidelines and other relevant documents with consideration to Fair Access practices and principles where appropriate
    Action Plan - Amend Action 2
  • Clubs will strive for a 50 / 50 gender balance however, where not feasible a minimum of two women and two men represented on their governance management committees.
    Action Plan - Amend Action 3
  • Support women's and girls' involvement in the Club through the promotion of up to five leadership roles and opportunities per year including the Annual General Meeting process to re-elect Office Bearers.
    Action Plan - Amend Action 4
  • Once adopted, promote the new Fair Access Policy to the wider community.
    Action Plan - New (Action 7)
  • The six Fair Access principles have been included in the action plan to provide clarity for the associated numbering
    Action Plan
  • Amendments have been made to utilise inclusive language (e.g. woman/women instead of female, man/men instead of male) throughout the document where appropriate.
    Whole Policy document
  • Use of “equity”, where appropriate, has been reflected throughout the document. Consistent use of "abilities" and "disabilities" has been used where appropriate
    Whole Policy document