Caroline Avenue and Boronia Crescent, Cockatoo

A concept design has been prepared for the proposed sealing of Caroline Avenue and Boronia Crescent, Cockatoo - as part of the Sealing the Hills Project.

Before we finalise the design, this is an opportunity for you to provide us with comments or feedback.

  • All comments will be taken into consideration.
  • Please note that plans may be subject to change.

This consultation is for questions relating to the Caroline Avenue and Boronia Crescent, Cockatoo road sealing project. To make an enquiry or comment about road maintenance visit

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    Concept design

    Caroline Avenue and Boronia Crescent, Cockatoo

    Feedback form

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    Moderation Policy

    These are the people that are listening and responding to your questions.

    Garry Petroff

    Community Engagement and Communications Officer - Better Local Roads

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    {{ }}
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