
Women and Girls Sport and Participation Network

7 August 2023

As a valued partner or connection with a broader reach to our local community, I wanted to share the below information with you and encourage you to share amongst your community connections and networks to ensure more people are aware and encourage more diverse applications.

Please feel free to contact me to discuss further if you have feedback or suggestions or questions about the network. This information has been sent to all Cardinia Shire sporting clubs and state sporting associations.

In 2022, Cardinia Shire Council established its inaugural Women and Girls Sport and Participation Network. The network currently has 18 participants across 11 different sport and active recreation pursuits. As a priority from the community relating to the Active Cardinia Strategy, the network is now seeking to expand and is currently open for application.

Applications are welcome and encouraged from males, females and gender diverse people, ages, abilities and backgrounds. We are also seeking to include more voices of young people (16-25) as part of the 2023 intake.

The Cardinia Shire Women and Girls Sport and Participation Network represents a significant step towards addressing the existing disparities and barriers that hinder female participation in sports and active recreation activities. By providing a dedicated platform for collaboration, knowledge-sharing, leadership development, activation and advocacy, this network provides a powerful and supportive community that encourages women and girls to embrace an active and healthy lifestyle. The network also supports the delivery of the Fair Access Roadmap across the Shire.

Network participants codesign the program of needs for the betterment of participation in sport and active recreation for women and girls. This includes leadership development training both personal and professional, workshops, activation delivery, shared policy development and guest speakers on areas and topics of interest. The network program is conducted over a 12 month period across a series of sessions both in person and online.

It is expected that applicants commit to the network for a 12 month period and be an active member of the network.

The network program is free but limited to 40 participants and all participants are required to submit an application. Applicant selection will be based on a number of key factors including;

  • Diverse representation across the Shire
  • Diverse representation of sporting or activity codes
  • Areas of interest for workshop topics

Please note that you do not have to be a member of a sporting club to apply as part of the network.

To apply, please visit

Applications will close on Friday 25th August, 2023

Successful participants will be notified in September via email.

For more information, or for accessibility options for application please contact Cardinia Shire’s Sports Development Officer – Mel Pratt.