
Applications Open! Women and Girls Sport and Participation Network

9 August 2022

Applications open now, closing August 31 2022.

Cardinia Shire Council understand the importance of supporting women and girls in sport and active recreation pursuits. Research and evidence indicated that often there are increased barriers to participation in sport and active recreation for women and girls.

Cardinia Shire Council, through funding from the Office for Women in Sport, Change Our Game Community Activation Grant have established a Women and Girls Sport and Participation Network.

This network will be open for 20 people across Cardinia Shire. The network aims to establish a framework to support opportunities for females in sport and recreation in Cardinia Shire and will include a series of networking and development sessions held in October and December 2022 and February and April 2023.

The Cardinia Women and Girls Sport and Participation Network provides a positive, safe and welcoming environment for participants to build their leadership skills. Participants work with like-minded individuals towards improving participation and leadership of women and girls within sports and recreation in Cardinia Shire.

Applications to join the network are open to all genders, backgrounds, demographics, sporting codes and recreation settings, however, applicants must live, work or play in Cardinia Shire.

Selection will be based on a number of key factors including:

  • Diverse representation of sporting or activity codes.
  • Areas of interest for workshops and leadership development.

Applicants must commit to attending all four networking and development sessions.

Successful applicants will be notified in early September.

For further information, please contact Councils Sports Development Officer, Mel Pratt.