
2023/2024 Seasonal Tenancy Applications

7 August 2023

Please see below attached Seasonal Application Form for use of Council Managed Seasonal Sporting Facilities, for the upcoming 2023/2024 Summer season (1 October 2023 to 30 March 2024).

In order to have your application considered, clubs/user groups must complete the Seasonal Application Form and attach all supporting documentation to an email. All appropriate documentation must be provided to Council by no later than 5.00pm Friday 18 August 2023. Any failure to do so may jeopardise the club/user groups potential allocation. There will be no extensions to this due date.

Please note that any club/user group that have outstanding Seasonal Tenancy fees or outstanding debt (eg- utility bills) must ensure these are paid (or the club have entered a payment plan) prior to submitting your Seasonal Tenancy forms in order to be offered a tenancy from Council.

Please fill out and return the following:
  • Summer 2023/2024 Seasonal Application Form.
  • A copy of the clubs updated Public Liability Insurance.
  • A list of club/user groups Committee Members (with names, club position, contact number and email addresses).
  • A copy of the clubs current Liquor License (if applicable).
  • A copy of the club/user groups Strategic Plan (if applicable).

Please also find attached the Seasonal Tenancy Agreement for the Summer 2023/2024 Season and the Buildings & Facilities Maintenance Policy.

It is a requirement for all applicants to review this document prior to signing and submitting the application form.
Please read the documents thoroughly. Any breach of this agreement throughout the season may result in termination of Seasonal Tenancy and may affect future applications.

If you have any questions, queries or require any assistance with the application process, please do not hesitate to contact the Recreation Team at