About the Glismann Road area
The lot sizes in the Glismann Road Area are inconsistent with the surrounding residential area and State planning policy that is focused on reducing urban sprawl by promoting infill urban development and maximising the use of existing infrastructure, particularly in areas that are close to public transport.
About Amendment C238
Amendment C238 proposes to rezone land in the Glismann Road Area to a residential zone to allow for residential subdivision using a development plan and development contributions plan.
Amendment C238 facilitates the following:
- Rezone land from the Rural Living Zone (RLZ1) to the Neighbourhood Residential Zone (NRZ2) to allow land to be subdivided for residential development.
- Apply Development Plan Overlay (DPO19) to the Glismann Road Area to ensure that properties are developed in a cohesive manner and implements best practice planning initiatives in relation to subdivision layout, urban design, environmental and landscape considerations.
- Apply Development Contributions Plan Overlay (DCPO5) and incorporate the Glismann Road Development Contributions Plan (GRDCP) into the Cardinia Planning Scheme to share the cost of key infrastructure items triggered by the new development in a fair and reasonable manner.
- Include the local open space provision in the GRDCP and amend Clause 53.01 of the Cardinia Planning Scheme to facilitate the provision of local open space.
The land affected by Amendment C238 is referred to as the ‘Glismann Road Area’ and includes 21 rural living lifestyle lots in Beaconsfield:
- 1 to 16 Glismann Road;
- 111 to 123 Old Princes Highway; and,
- 11 Mahon Avenue
As a result of legislative changes with regards to infrastructure contributions, Council had to consider its request (to the Minister for Planning) for authorisation to prepare and exhibit Amendment C238 on three separate occasions.
- Council report and minutes Monday 19 February 2018
- Council report and minutes Monday 15 October 2018
- Council report and minutes Monday 19 August 2019
Council received authorisation from the Minister for Planning to prepare Amendment C238 on the 23 April 2020.
Submissions for Amendment C238 closed at 5pm on Monday 14 September 2020.
At the Council meeting on 15 February 2021, Council resolved to refer the submissions to an independent Planning Panel for consideration.
A Panel Hearing was held from 4 May 2021 to 7 May, 2021. At the close of the Hearing on 7 May Council sought more time to respond to certain issues. The Panel granted more time to respond.
Council’s presentation of its closing submission was scheduled to be held on Tuesday 27 July 2021, however this was postponed due to the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions.
To bring this matter to a close, the Panel directed that Council present its closing submission by a video-conference which was held on Monday 11 October 2021.
The Amendment C238 Panel Report was finalised on 4 January 2022. Corrections to the Panel Report were made on 25 January 2022.
At the Council meeting on 16 May 2022, Council resolved to adopt Amendment C238.
Amendment C238 was approved with changes on the 21 October 2022. The official notification is published in the Victoria Government Special Gazette Number S647 Dated 18 November 2022.
Where to from here?
Now that the land has been rezoned is the land ready to be subdivided?
No, not yet. The Glismann Road Area Development Plan Overlay (Schedule 19 to Clause 43.04 (DPO19)) requires that the Glismann Road Development Plan must be approved (to the satisfaction of the Council) before any permits for subdivision can be granted. DPO 19 specifies that a development plan must be generally in accordance with Figure 1 (as shown in Figure 1 of DPO19) and must be prepared to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority for the whole site.
When will the Glismann Road Development Plan be prepared?
The ‘Preparation of the Development Plan’ was addressed in the Cardinia Planning Scheme Amendment C238card, Corrected Panel Report, 25 January 2022. The Panel's conclusion and recommendation (page 34 of 81) supported the proposal for the Council to prepare the Development Plan and recommended including $70,000 in planning costs within the Development Contributions Plan to facilitate this.
Previously, there were no funds available to initiate the project. However, Council’s 2024-2025 Budget has now allocated funds for the Glismann Road Development Plan. The project will include informal engagement with landowners within the Glismann Road Development Plan area.
Where can I find out more about the Glismann Road Area Development Plan?
Visit the Glismann Road Area Development Plan page to learn about the project's key milestones and Frequently Asked Questions.
Background documents
A series of specialist reports form part of the supporting documents for Amendment C238. The reports are referred to in the exhibited Clause 43.04 Development Plan Overlay Schedule 19 (DPO19) and provide the cost of the infrastructure items in the DCP and the methodology used for land valuations.
Beaconsfield Biodiversity Assessment (Ecology Partners) (October 2010)PDF (24.61 MB)
Glismann Road Contaminated Land Study (Meinhardt) (July 2022)PDF (11.54 MB)
Glismann Road Cultural Heritage Management Plan (Tardis Enterprises) (Nov 2010)PDF (7.07 MB)
Glismann Road Development Contributions Plan Project Sheets (November 2022)PDF (2.38 MB)
Glismann Road Drainage Scheme (Water Technology) (Jul 2014)PDF (2.48 MB)
Glismann Road Drainage Scheme Additional Flooding and Water Quality Assessments (Water Technology) (May 2016)PDF (2.55 MB)
Glismann Road Landscape Assessment (Hansen Partnership) (June 2014)PDF (22.87 MB)
Glismann Road Landscape Management Framework (Hansen Partnership) (August 2014)PDF (17.59 MB)
Glismann Road Traffic Impact Assessment (Trafficworks) (May 2022)PDF (5.75 MB)