Project overview

Cardinia Shire Council completed pedestrian crossing upgrades on Village Way, Pakenham in early 2025.

Located across from a shopping centre and train station, Village Way was identified as a high priority location for a pedestrian crossing upgrade.

As there is a history of pedestrian related crashes occurring, the construction of a pedestrian crossing was fast-tracked at this location, with the support of additional funding from the Transport Accident Commission (TAC).

To improve pedestrian safety, these upgrades included a 3-leg wombat (zebra) crossing on all three legs of the Village Way and Park Orchard Drive intersection with flashing lights on both Village Way crossings.

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National Relay Service (NRS)

TTY: 133 677 (ask for 1300 787 624)

Speak and Listen (speech-to-speech relay): 1300 555 727 (ask for 1300 787 624)

Translator Interpretation Service

131 450 (ask for 1300 787 624)