This project is now complete

This project has now been completed, with the official opening occurring March 2023!

We would like to thank the members of the community and business groups who took the time to provide valuable feedback to help form the resurfaced Toomuc Reserve Netball Courts project.

The two netball courts within the Toomuc Reserve were assessed, and Council consulted with the Pakenham Netball Club committee to gain their feedback. In June 2021 they provided a letter of support for the project, highlighting a number of ongoing concerns:

  • Continuous movement of the courts caused by collapsing of the base and filing underneath, resulting in unevenness of the courts.
  • Major cracks in the court surface, which despite repairs, are now deeply embedded into the courts.
  • With the unevenness of the courts, we have water pooling on the courts, causing slippery and unsafe conditions.

An initial design was drafted to address these concerns, which was then taken to the wider Pakenham community, inclusive of the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse and Access & Inclusion teams and respective Advisory Committees, for further feedback.

Through an online Feedback Form, the club’s feedback was confirmed, with the Community stating:

  • The courts had insufficient drainage.
  • There was ongoing subsidence of the base causing unevenness of the surface and presenting a safety issue for players and officials.

In collaboration with our business leaders and the broader community, and after multiple phases of consultation, the two existing netball courts were reconstructed through funding from the Victorian State Government - Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions.



Toomuc Reserve Netball Court resurfacing consultation

We've listened to community input about the Toomuc Reserve netball courts, and we’re upgrading them.

  • The proposed new court surface will be an acrylic surface with a concrete base. The surface will be more even and have improved drainage.
  • The works will cost about $368,000
  • We’re hoping to do these works after the current netball season, either in late 2021 or early 2022.
  • All existing infrastructure around the courts will remain as it is.

If you have any feedback, please submit a feedback form by Monday 21 June 2021 at 5pm.

Toomuc Reserve sporting precinct aerial view

The courts are located in Pakenham’s main sporting precinct alongside Cardinia Life and Toomuc Reserve’s football and cricket oval.

Aerial shot of Toomuc Reserve, Pakenham
Toomuc Reserve netball courts
Cardinia Life
Toomuc Reserve oval 1
Toomuc Reserve oval 2
Toomuc Reserve Athletics ground
Toomuc Reserve Baseball diamonds
Cricket nets
  • Toomuc Reserve netball courts are currently used by Pakenham Netball Club.
  • Training takes place on the courts every week from Monday to Friday, 5pm to 8pm
  • Games take place all day on Saturdays during the netball season.