Developing a plan for Victoria

The Victorian State Government is creating a blueprint to guide how Victoria grows and develops as a whole state. We want to make a plan for Victoria that reflects the voices, ideas and diversity of all Victorians. They'll be talking to Victorians over the coming months about your vision and what you want Victoria to look like in the years ahead.

These conversations will help make decisions about the best places to locate new affordable homes, green spaces, jobs and transport. It will also help to plan for future health services, schools, kinders, TAFEs and shopping areas. They also want to hear from you about climate action and environmental sustainability.

This is your opportunity to help shape the future of our state. Consultation open now, until 30 August 2024.

For more information on how to have your say, or attend in-person pop-up events, visit:

Help us shape the future for Victoria | Engage Victoria


Have questions or want to learn more, contact:

Phone 136186