The park in open daily from dawn until dusk.


Yes, over 130 parking spaces, including accessible parking is available onsite. Parking is free of charge.

Overflow parking has also been allocated onsite and traffic management will be in place, to ensure the safety of visitors to and residents living nearby the park.

Minimal street parking is available, as Council has installed no parking and no standing signs along Lansell Blvd and Majestic Dr to help minimise disruption to neighbouring properties and residents.

Visitors to the park are being reminded to not park on nature strips, across driveways or on vacant blocks of land. Council officers and traffic management will be regularly supervising the area and enforcing restrictions.

Whilst Deep Creek is Council’s premier all abilities playground, Officer District Park does include some play equipment which is suitable for children with disabilities. In particular, the Tipi Carousel, Universal Carousel and 360 degrees Nest Swing are all accessible play features with accessible grade paths connecting to them.

This video is helpful to explain the different ways the Tipi Carousel can be used: https://youtu.be/t4XQUb2gd30

Located on the hilltop along Lansell Avenue, Officer’s new regional park is a vibrant, multifaceted, landmark park which will offer a wide range of amenities and firsts for the region.

The 10-hectare adventure and nature park has a variety of unique features to suit everyone’s interests, including:

  • Multi-level playground: The park features an incredible playground with various play zones and experiences, including two impressive 20-metre-long embankment slides. This area is designed to entertain everyone from young children to adventurous adults, ensuring fun for all ages.
  • Parkour Zone: As Cardinia Shire’s first purpose-built Parkour Zone, it includes a mix of obstacles of different heights, angles, and shapes. Parkour equipment is designed to be traversed in a fluid motion, running, climbing, leaping and balancing between obstacles.
  • Fitness facilities: Responding to community feedback, the park includes fitness stairs specifically designed for running and exercise. Additionally, a 1km loop track runs around the hillside, incorporating two exercise equipment stations along the way, making it an ideal spot for fitness enthusiasts.
  • Scenic lookout: At the top of the hillside, a lookout offers breathtaking views over the southern part of the shire and out to Western Port, providing a perfect spot for relaxation and appreciation of the natural surroundings.
  • Dog off-leash area: The park includes a dedicated area where dogs can run freely off-leash. This space is designed for both people and their pets to enjoy social interaction and outdoor activities together.
  • Picnic and rest facilities: To ensure a comfortable visit, the park is equipped with public toilets and picnic facilities located at the central plaza area. There are also shelters and seating provided in the play spaces and dog off-leash area.
  • Wetland area: Adding to the park’s natural beauty, the wetland area will catch and treat water runoff using Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) principles as well as enhance the park’s biodiversity.

Officer’s new regional park is a well-rounded destination that combines adventure, fitness, relaxation, and nature, making it a perfect spot for a day out with family, friends, and pets.

As the park opens, we acknowledge that there may be a substantial increase in traffic and parking in the area over the summer period.

Council is managing the increase in traffic and parking with traffic management and parking enforcement, while the public enthusiasm for the park is at its peak.

Traffic management will be in place to ensure the safety of visitors to and residents living nearby the park.

To help manage the increased traffic in the area, Council will be temporarily limiting traffic movements to left-in to from Majestic Drive (coming from Princes Hwy) and left-out from Lansell Avenue (heading down Majestic Dr). Traffic management will be restricting right-in and right-out turn movements in the first several weeks after the opening,

To encourage drivers to not park out the front of neighbouring properties and to minimise further disruptions, Council has installed no parking and no standing signs along Lansell Blvd and Majestic Dr. Visitors to the park are being reminded to not park on nature strips, across driveways or on vacant blocks of land. Council officers and traffic management will be regularly supervising the area and enforcing restrictions.

We are also encouraging visitors to carpool, walk or ride to help reduce congestion.

If you do find that drivers are parking in a way that impacts access to your property, please contact Council’s Customer Service team on 1300 787 624 to report the issue.

Council officers will also be available onsite in the weeks and months following the opening to assist and will be patrolling the area to enforce parking restrictions when required.

Community safety is our top priority, that’s why we’ve installed wayfinding, safety, and instructional signage around the park to guide safe use of the facilities.

You may see around the park that some play areas have age restrictions and usage guidelines displayed, and this is to ensure that everyone visiting and playing can remain safe.

We ask that you please obey all signs and follow guidelines posted around the park. Parents are also required to supervise their children at all times.

The park is open to everyone, however certain areas and equipment have been designed with specific age groups in mind.

While the adventure playground is suitable for children of all ages, some equipment is designed for older children. The 20m adventure slides are designed for children aged over 7 and are not suitable for younger children to ride with their parent or another person, due to risk of injury.

The parkour equipment is intended for older kids and teens, and younger children are encouraged to access the junior play area.

If a child can climb the equipment independently, it is likely to be age-appropriate, however if they would require adult assistance to achieve this, it’s likely that it’s too advanced for their age and skill level.

Council would then advise that children not play on equipment above their age-range and ability due to risk of injury.

Discretion is advised if younger children wish to play or access equipment for other age groups, however close parental supervision is required to minimise risk.

The park will be regularly monitored by Council staff to ensure safety and cleanliness.

We also conduct annual scheduled asset maintenance inspections. If you have any concerns or notice any issues, such as damage or misuse of facilities, please report it to Council.

You can stay informed about the development of the site, including any progress toward Stage 2 works, by visiting our website at www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/officer-park

You can find out about all Council events online at www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/events and other local events across Cardinia Shire by visiting www.whatsoncardinia.com.au.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact the Cardinia Shire Council's Customer Service team on 1300 787 624 or by email to in our open spaces.

If you notice any damage or misuse of park facilities, please report it to the Council’s Customer Service team on 1300 787 624, online at www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/report, by email to mail@cardinia.vic.gov.au.

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