About the project

‘Remember a Local-Name a Place’ is a public campaign led by Geographic Names Victoria (GNV) through the Engage Victoria website.

All Victorians are invited to nominate someone who has made a significant contribution to be to be considered for commemoration in a place name.

The campaign will help councils to start or top up a name bank with commemorative naming ideas from across the community.

Over the next three years there will be more than 6,000 new places to name in Victoria. Approximately 25 per cent of these names will be commemorative.

GNV want to make sure these names recognise the people who have helped make our communities thriving places.

Victoria has also committed to a level of 70 per cent of new commemorative place naming recognising women. Increasing the number of available commemorative naming options will help councils achieve this target.

The campaign is open now until 31 January 2025

To find out more information on the project visit: Name a place in Victoria | Engage Victoria

How does the campaign work?

Members of the public will submit nominations by filling out a nomination form on the Engage Victoria website.

GNV will support councils by managing the initial review of nominations. GNV will also contact the nominator to let them know one of three possible outcomes:

  • the name has been sent to the relevant local council
  • the nomination form was incomplete
    • request to provide further information
  • the name was not commemorative
    • provide information on how to submit to council.

GNV will send the nominations to the relevant local councils each month. This will include:

  • all the information provided in the form
  • all attachments supplied.

Councils will only receive nominations that are connected to their local community.

Fact Sheets