About the project

Local Laws enable Council to make legislative controls to address local issues and respond to the needs of the community.

In Cardinia, our Local Law is used to protect the amenity of the municipality, regulate activities on Council controlled land/roads and improve community safety.

Local Laws last for 10 years unless revoked or renewed earlier. Cardinia Shires Local Law 17 was introduced in 2015 and as such is due for a review to ensure the law is relevant, working as intended and are responsive to new issues and changing community needs.

To help form Cardinia’s next Local Law we will be seeking feedback from the community on proposed changes and input on any other changes.

This review does not involve any changes to Councils Local Law 20 – Open Air Fires.

The survey below is now closed.

Proposed changes to the Local Law

New clause that creates an offence to participate in, encourage or attend a hoon event. It also creates an offence to park a motor vehicle in close proximity to a hoon event, without a lawful excuse.

New clauses change the treatment of Real Estate pointer boards, limiting their use and removing the requirement for a permit (subject to compliance with requirements)

All previous clauses have been reviewed and amended, to reflect the current service. The effect of the section is that: persons supplied with bins by Council must comply with the Council guidelines relating to waste services. The clauses are reworded to make household waste, green waste and recycled waste collection streams clear, and introduces an infringeable offence for placing prohibited materials in a bin that are not permitted. Educational activities and approaches will not be effected.

New clause that specifically addresses noisy vehicle use that is an "unreasonable noise" in residential areas. Such "unreasonable noise" may include prolonged and unnecessary idling of heavy vehicles in early morning or late at night, or the excessive revving of engines while undertaking vehicle servicing.

New clause that prohibits audible alarms from operating persistently without turning off.

The clause has been extended to include explicit reference to dilapidated buildings, and to provide for penalties to potentially be applied for each day after a finding of guilt where an offence continues.

These clauses have been substantially re-written to provide for the more efficient and effective protection of Council assets. The clauses make the requirements of builders more strict, by strengthening the obligation to document the state of assets prior to the build, and also to notify Council swiftly when the build is completed. Both of these amendments will improve the capacity of Council and the builders to identify damage for which they are (and are not) responsible. The infringement penalties for failing to obtain an Asset Protection Permit are proposed to increase significantly, to 8 penalty units (approx $1530) to adequately deter builders from refusing to obtain permits.

All building site amenity infringement penalty amounts are proposed to increase to 5 penalty units (approximately $960)

All building site amenity infringement penalty amounts are proposed to increase to 5 penalty units (approximately $960)

All building site amenity infringement penalty amounts are proposed to increase to 5 penalty units (approximately $960)

All building site amenity infringement penalty amounts are proposed to increase to 5 penalty units (approx $960)

All building site amenity infringement penalty amounts are proposed to increase to 5 penalty units (approximately $960)

All building site amenity infringement penalty amounts are proposed to increase to 5 penalty units (approximately $960)

All building site amenity infringement penalty amounts are proposed to increase to 5 penalty units (approximately $960)

This clause introduces building site work hours outside of which work requires a permit. These hours are consistent with the existing EPA construction noise provisions, but apply more broadly than just the generate of noise.

All changes to infringement penalty units are described in this schedule, and specified above.

Survey Form

Privacy Statement

We are collecting your feedback to inform the Proposed Community Local Law 2024 project. To see our complete Privacy Policy please see cardinia.vic.gov.au/site/scripts/terms.php#

Cardinia Shire Council privacy collection statement

Personal information collected by Council, its external service providers or contractors, is used for municipal purposes as specified in the Local Government Act 2020. The personal information will be held securely and used solely by Council for these purposes and/or directly related purposes. Council may disclose this information to other organisations if required or permitted by legislation, and who are bound by substantially similar obligations. The applicant understands that the personal information provided is for the above purpose and that he or she may apply to Council for access to and/or amendment of the information. Requests for access and/or correction should be made to Council’s Privacy Officer on 1300 787 624 or mail@cardinia.vic.gov.au