Project overview

Cardinia Shire Council is proposing to install traffic management devices along John Street, Pakenham, as part of Council’s Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) program.

Traffic management devices can include kerb extensions, lane narrowing, slow points, bus cushions, raised safety platforms and flat top road humps.

When concerns relating to speeding are raised by the community, the Traffic & Transport team at Council add these locations to a priority list, ranking each location based on factors including the proportion of speeding traffic on the road, accident history, traffic volumes and the land uses of adjacent developments. As locations are added to the list, preliminary designs are prepared for the higher ranked locations.

John Street, Pakenham is ranked within the top 5 locations on the priority list, due to;

  • High proportion of speeding traffic
  • Significant crash history
  • Feedback from the community

Council is proposing to install traffic management devices along John Street, including a modified t-intersection channelisation at the intersection of John St and Anderson St, as well as a blister along the roadway at property number 34.

To support this proposal, Council has reviewed the local traffic management devices and street lighting in the area and considered advice from road safety experts and available space to underground services in accordance with Austroads and VicRoads guidelines.  

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