
Council is seeking expressions of interest from mobile coffee, drink and ice-cream business owners, who are interested in trading inside Officer's new regional park on Lansell Avenue.

There are 2 exclusive site-specific roadside trading permits available for one coffee or drink truck and one ice-cream truck to operate inside the regional park from 18 December 2024 to 30 April 2025.

These permits will be issued in a prime location for the summer season as residents, families and visitors from outside of Cardinia Shire plan to visit the new regional park located on Lansell Avenue in Officer.

To operate a business within the park, you will be required to have the relevant permit and only two permits will be issued as part of this expression of interest to support the park’s opening. Any additional trading onsite will not be permitted, and penalties may apply.

Expression of interest application

To apply and be considered, you must:

  • Own and operate a mobile drink, coffee or ice-cream business, which includes vans and trucks
  • Be willing to trade on both Saturdays and Sundays
  • Provide copies of relevant registration, licenses, certificates and documentation as part of the application process
  • Provide a suitable receptacle for the disposal of rubbish.

This expression of interest is only open to coffee vans, drinks vans or ice-cream trucks and no food trucks are currently being considered for permits at this location.

Applications will be reviewed by a panel and will be assessed against relevant criteria and the answers provided in the questionnaire. Feedback will be provided to applicants and successful applicants will be contacted directly in mid-December 2024.

Applications are now open and will close on Tuesday 10 December 2024 at 5pm (extended).

Permit details

  • Permit is valid for Officer District Park, Lansell Avenue, Officer 3809 ONLY for the duration of 18 December 2024 – 30 April 2025 inclusive.
  • Trading is permitted 7 days per week
  • Saturday and Sunday trading are a requirement of the application and understood as part of the expression of interest.
  • Trading is permitted between sunrise and sunset.
  • Permits are only valid for the type of business listed on the permit.
  • Location within park is non-negotiable.
  • There are limits to signage that can be displayed
  • No additional furniture can be provided.
  • You must provide a suitable receptacle for the disposal of rubbish.
  • Permits are non-transferable.

By submitting an expression of interest application, there is no guarantee that a permit will be issued.

Documentation required

  • Current Public Liability Insurance Policy of $20 million.
  • Certificate of Registration
  • Statement of Trade (SOT) upon successful application
  • Gas Safety Certificate

Permit fees

If successful with your EOI application, the permit to operate inside the Officer District Park site is $426 and will be valid from 18 December 2024 – 30 April 2025.

Permit fees are payable upon acceptance of contract


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