This project is now complete

Building a stronger economy: Cardinia Shire Council Economic Development Strategy 2023 - 2027, communicates Council's actions and commitment to grow, develop and support local businesses and the economy. The strategy's three primary pillars of partnership, regionalism and experiencing Cardinia and fostering the new economy are the cornerstones of this strategy which was developed in collaboration with business leaders and the local community.

We would like to thank the members of the community and business group who took the time to review the Economic Development strategy and provide valuable feedback to help form the current strategy.

Following earlier consultation, in April 2022, a draft of the plan was made available on the Creating Cardinia site. Nine individuals, as well as EDRA, WGPA and Tynong Progress Association representatives, provided feedback.

Changes were made to the second iteration of the strategy after taking into account internal and external feedback, including the addition of further background information, a stronger connection to the Council Plan, and a focus on major priority areas such as local job creation and environmentally sustainable initiatives.

Further engagement occurred with our Culturally and Linguistically Diverse and Access & Inclusion teams and respective Advisory Committees.

From community consultation, we heard that they wanted;

  • a stronger connection to the Council Plan,
  • focus on major priority areas such as local job creation, and
  • environmentally sustainable initiatives

The Cardinia Shire Economic Development Strategy 2023-2027 has been created in collaboration with our business leaders and the broader community after extensive consultation and considering the effects of the COVID epidemic between 2020–2022. The strategy has a clear emphasis on:

  • local job creation,
  • energising our state-significant industrial precincts,
  • supporting and implementing program initiatives for climate adaptation, and
  • increasing resilience and connections to the Cardinia Shire business community through the growth and strengthening of our local economy.

To view a copy of the final Economic Development Strategy, please see the document library on the right hand side of this page.

Draft 'Building a Stronger Economy' Strategy

Our draft Building a Stronger Economy Strategy (Economic Development Strategy) has been developed to articulate Cardinia Shire Council’s response to the impacts of COVID19 on business within Cardinia Shire. This strategy has been developed in conjunction with leaders in our community.

We are seeking feedback from our business and wider community to finalise the strategy. Our aim is to help create a robust and thriving economy that will attract, retain and grow businesses and jobs. The draft strategy outlines three key economic pillars which are:

  • Partnerships and Regionalism
  • Experience Cardinia
  • Creating the New Economy

The strategy is intended to address the following Council Plan actions:

  • Advocate for a South East Melbourne Airport
  • Develop an Investment Attraction Plan for Cardinia Shire employment precincts
  • Develop and deliver initiatives within the Economic Development Strategy, including the visitor economy and tourism
  • Facilitate investment in our townships to support businesses and vibrant communities
  • Advocate for the growth of local education opportunities that improve skills and employment pathways
  • Develop a Business Innovation Strategy
  • Implement the Business Innovation Strategy

Please review the draft strategy and complete a short 10 to 15 minute survey below. Your responses are anonymous.

Survey closes 12 May 2022
