Creating Cardinia on the move

‘Creating Cardinia on the move’ is our community engagement initiative that will involve four face-to-face pop-up events per year, rotating locations across the shire.

The purpose of the Creating Cardinia on the move is to:

  • Connect our team directly to you on a regular basis and in person, to promote and raise awareness of current or upcoming projects you can have your say on
  • Hear what you think we’re doing well in the engagement space, and what we can improve on
  • Reach a greater diversity of community members to give everyone a voice on our projects
  • Use your feedback to help advise Council project teams to have more meaningful engagement with our residents

If you have any questions for our Engagement Team at Cardinia Shire Council, feel free to ask below in the Q&A section.

Check out where we'll be next below to chat to our Engagement team in person, or fill in our 5-10 minute survey!

Click on the 'Follow' tab to be notified of updates and join us at locations across the Shire!

Have your say!

Where we'll be next:

  • Thursday 25 July 2024

    Location: Beaconsfield Shopping Plaza (corner of Woolworths) - 55 Old Princes Hwy, Beaconsfield

    Time: 3pm - 5pm

Participate in our survey:

Ask a question:

Provide a short summary of your question.

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Provide detailed information relating to your question.

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Select a respondent from the list that you would most like to answer your question.

Moderation Policy

These are the people that are listening and responding to your questions.

Community Engagement Team

{{ question.username }} asked


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