
Consultation has now closed

Council's draft 2020-21 Budget and draft amended Council Plan

About this consultation

Council has developed a draft 2020-21 Budget and draft amended Council Plan.

The draft budget and Council Plan are now available for you to review.

Due date for submissions

You can make a submission on both these documents by Wednesday 13 May 2020, 5pm.

How we will use your feedback

Submissions received will be considered at a Special Council Meeting on Monday 25 May 2020.

Anyone making a submission may speak in support of their submission at this meeting. Those wishing to speak should indicate their intention to do so in their written submission.

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, individual arrangements may need to be made to facilitate such presentations.

After considering all submissions, Council will adopt the final 2020-21 Budget and Council Plan at an Ordinary Council Meeting on Monday 15 June 2020.

Submissions are now closed

Closing date for submissions was Wednesday 13 May, 2020.

Thank you for your contributions.

Council's draft 2020-21 Budget and draft amended Council Plan submission form

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You have 255 characters left.
You have 255 characters left.
You have 255 characters left.
You have 255 characters left.
You have 255 characters left.
Is the postal address the same as your street address?
Do you agree with the overall direction set out in the Draft Council Plan 2020?

In the section below you can make any specific comments on any of the key priority areas in the Draft Council Plan 2020 or the Draft Council Plan Actions.

Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at the Special Council Meeting on Monday 25 May 2020? Required

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.




2020-21 Budget and Council Plan consultation
Cardinia Shire Council
PO Box 7,
Pakenham VIC 3810