Final Outcome
Final Community Infrastructure Plan 2024
Take a look at the Community Infrastructure Final Plan, as well as the Actions and Recommendations documents below.
What we heard
Thank you to all committees, user groups, community groups and community members for providing their feedback to assist in finalising the development of Council’s first ever Community Infrastructure Plan.
Consultation occured from 3 November – 3 December 2023 and has been a major focus throughout the development of the Community Infrastructure Plan. Here's what we heard:
Following this engagement process, several changes were made to the plan to reflect the feedback received.
This included:
- Refining of each of the region-based recommendations to consider the future level of demand for kindergarten needs to reflect the impact of the current Best Start Best Life kindergarten reform.
- Specific reference to community engagement to be undertaken on specific facilities and sites to inform infrastructure related recommendations and any future use or works.
In addition, feedback from the engagement processes has also been used to refine and prioritise a comprehensive Community Implementation Plan, which includes list of strategic actions and recommendations that Council intend on achieving over the life of the plan.
Cardinia Shire Council will continue to engage with the community on key community infrastructure items and projects to ensure they meet the needs of our diverse community and its four regions.
Project Overview
About the project
Cardinia Shire Council is pleased to share a draft of its first ever Community Infrastructure Plan. The plan sets out how community infrastructure will be planned, designed, delivered, operated, and maintained for community use into the future. Leave your feedback in the survey below to help shape the Community Infrastructure Plan.
The draft plan defines community infrastructure as public buildings that provide community services to residents. The infrastructure categories considered within the scope of the plan include:
- consult rooms
- kindergarten rooms
- hireable community and meeting spaces used for services, programs or activities
- computer or training rooms
- library facilities
- kitchen facilities
- public toilets
- other spaces or facilities (such as arts and cultural spaces) where Council has a role in providing or facilitating use and development of community infrastructure.
Our community facilities are welcoming, vibrant and loved. A resilient network of high-performing community infrastructure that supports the health, social wellbeing and economic prosperity of our community, to enjoy a sustainable Cardinia for present and future generations.
- To guide Council’s planning and delivery.
- To focus on improving the performance of what we have while prioritising and directing new investment.
- To respond to increasing demand due to our changing and growing population
- To seek and secure external funding, advocacy and/or project partners.
- Integrated
- Accessible
- Place Based
- Future Proofed
- Quality
- Achieved Together.
The maps shown below include the audit results for the infrastructure in each region. Please review the audit results before leaving your feedback in the survey below.
The Community Infrastructure audit includes information about:
- Facilities register – Information about each facility such as location, type of facility, age of building, spaces within the facility, size of spaces, and services currently provided within each facility. It also includes information about historic and future scheduled asset improvements informed by the Community Infrastructure Plan and the Asset Plan.
- Quantity assessment – Assessment of current and future supply and demand, considering current provision and benchmark provision ratios which may indicate where there is a shortfall or oversupply of a service, and should be tested through the life of the Plan.
- Utilisation/Capacity – Information about operating hours of each space within a facility compared to how often the space is used and for what purpose. (Note: This data is limited as Council only collects utilisation data for community facilities that are managed by Council.)
- Building condition – Condition rating score in accordance with compliance requirements. (Note: Building condition assessments were conducted in 2019 as part of Council’s rolling assessment program. Revised assessments have been commissioned.)
- Functionality (fit for purpose) – Rating score based on the degree to which the service can successfully operate from the building or space within the building. This includes existing agreed Council standards for the size and layout of spaces and other inclusions beyond building compliance. (Note: functionality assessments were conducted in late 2022/early 2023 using a newly developed assessment approach, where every building was assessed based on a suite of criteria (refer to Appendix 1 of the Community Infrastructure Plan)
Community Engagement
We want to hear what infrastructure is important to you and your feedback on the draft plan. Your input will help finalise the plan and help inform future versions of the plan.
The survey also addresses the findings of the infrastructure audit. The maps shown below include the audit results for the infrastructure in each region. Please review the audit results before leaving your feedback in the survey below.
This concludes the survey. Thank you very much for your input.
Community Infrastructure for each region
Categories of community infrastructure as referenced in the maps below.

Hills Region

Growth Region

East Region

Southern Region

We are collecting your feedback to inform the Community Infrastructure Plan project. To see our complete Privacy Policy please see
Cardinia Shire Council privacy collection statement
Personal information collected by Council, its external service providers or contractors, is used for municipal purposes as specified in the Local Government Act 2020. The personal information will be held securely and used solely by Council for these purposes and/or directly related purposes. Council may disclose this information to other organisations if required or permitted by legislation, and who are bound by substantially similar obligations. The applicant understands that the personal information provided is for the above purpose and that he or she may apply to Council for access to and/or amendment of the information. Requests for access and/or correction should be made to Council’s Privacy Officer on 1300 787 624 or
Community Workshop Dates
Tuesday 21 November 2023 06:30 pm to 08:00 pm
Pakenham Hall/Library Community Workshop
Pakenham Hall/Library Super room
Wednesday 22 November 2023 06:30 pm to 08:00 pm
Koo Wee Rup Community Workshop
Koo Wee Rup Community Centre
Thursday 23 November 2023 06:30 pm to 08:30 pm
Online Community Workshop
Saturday 2 December 2023 10:00 am to 11:30 am
Hills Hub Community Workshop
Hills Hub Training Room (Emerald)