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What’s On Cardinia

What's on Cardinia was created in collaboration with Cardinia Business and with the backing of Cardinia Shire Council to assist our community and local businesses in discovering what's going on in our wonderful region.

Grow your business with 'What's On Cardinia'

  • Add your event

    All local companies with a special event or offer are urged to advertise it on the What's on Cardinia website. Every company and event listing is absolutely free of charge.

    Create a 'Whats On Cardinia' event listing 
  • Add your business to the directory

    What’s On Cardinia – Business Hub is a local directory for businesses to promote their products and services to the wider community. Why not use the directory yourself to find your next trade or product and support local businesses too? Business listings are free and available to all types of businesses within Cardinia Shire.

    Add your business to the Business Hub Directory 
  • Feature in a blog

    If your business would like to be featured in a blog, send us an email with your ideas. Our "can do" team will be in touch. It's time to uncover the hidden gems to the wider community !

    Email a blog request to 'What's On Cardinia'