
Made in Victoria – Manufacturing Growth Program Round 2

3 November 2023

The Made in Victoria – Manufacturing Growth Program Round 2 aims to assist small and medium manufacturers in Victoria by enabling them to:

  1. Expand capacity and capability: Implement new manufacturing technologies outlined in the Made in Victoria 2030 – Manufacturing Statement.
  2. Improve productivity and competitiveness: Enhance efficiency in local and global supply chains.
  3. Create jobs and enhance workforce skills: Generate new employment opportunities and provide training for existing employees.
  4. Support transition to net zero emissions: Promote initiatives contributing to Victoria's shift towards net zero emissions.

Eligible grants will cover capital equipment purchase, project-related manufacturing improvements, prototyping, new product/process evaluation, testing, and supply chain development. Projects must begin within 30 days of the grant agreement, with applicants committing at least 10% of eligible project expenditure by this date.

Projects must be completed within 12 months from the grant agreement date, as per the legally binding commitment in the agreement.

Please make sure to read the program guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) before applying.

Closing date: 19 December 2023