images of Cardinia Shire - cafe owner, steam train in background of a meal and cows

Building a stronger economy:
Cardinia Shire Council Economic Development Strategy 2023-27

The Cardinia Shire Council Economic Development Strategy 2023-2027 is a comprehensive roadmap aimed at fortifying the region's economy by fostering sustainable growth, supporting local businesses, and enhancing economic opportunities. With a focus on three key pillars, namely partnership and regionalism, experiencing Cardinia, and creating the new economy, this strategy embodies the collaborative spirit of the community. By engaging with local leaders, the council has meticulously designed this framework to ensure it addresses the unique needs and challenges of the region.

Under the pillar of partnership and regionalism, the strategy aims to create strategic partnerships that have mutual benefits regardless of government boundaries and work towards, or advocate for, outcomes that have community, organisational and regional benefits.

The pillar of experiencing Cardinia underscores the significance of promoting the region as a vibrant and attractive destination. Through initiatives, we will aim to drive change by generating campaigns that highlight Cardinia businesses. With a focus on the industries that have been impacted by the pandemic and helping them recover, thrive, and create employment.

Lastly, the focus on creating the new economy highlights the council's commitment to innovation, entrepreneurship, and technology by assisting businesses to respond, recover, and thrive in the current economic environment. This will be undertaken via a multi-dimensional approach.