Update - Strategy Adopted

Cardinia's Ageing Well Strategy 2019–25 has been adopted. Thank you to all of those Community members and Stakeholders that assisted in it's creation.

Please note community consultation closed 5pm on 26 June 2020

Council is now inviting you to give your feedback on the draft Ageing Well Strategy 2019–25.

The draft strategy covers areas including physical and mental health and wellbeing, education, employment, safety, social inclusion and cohesion, community and health services, communication and information, and outdoor spaces and places.

Scroll down to complete the feedback survey.

Feedback closes: Friday 26 June 2020, 5pm.

Cardinia Shire’s Ageing Well Strategy is Council’s five-year roadmap for supporting older residents to be healthy, active, stay socially connected and participate fully in the community.

The draft strategy is evidence based, builds on past achievements, identifies new opportunities and was informed by community input and feedback. It lays the pathway for a strong and inclusive community that values diversity, ageing and the concept of active ageing by optimising opportunities for good health, social and economic participation.

Cardinia Shire Council affirmed its commitment to the shire being a place where people can age well when it became a member of the World Health Organisations Age Friendly Cities in 2016. This was demonstrated in the delivery and achievements of the Age Friendly Strategy 2015–2019.

To help shape the strategy and determine Council's 5-year strategic priorities for older adults, extensive community consultation took place with residents during 2019, including community groups, young people, key stakeholders and service providers including state and federal government agencies. We particularly acknowledge the Age Friendly Alliance group, Council’s peer consultative committee representing older people throughout the shire, for their contribution to this plan.

In 2016, Cardinia Shire was accepted by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as a member of the Global Network of Age Friendly Cities.

The WHO defines an age friendly community as “one that optimises opportunities for health, participation and security as people age, and adapts its structures and services to be accessible to, and inclusive of, older individuals with varying needs and capacities”.

The WHO Age-friendly Cities framework proposes 8 domains that can help to identify and address barriers to the wellbeing and participation of older people.

The draft Ageing Well Strategy 2019-2025 integrates Council’s Liveability plan domains and the WHO Age Friendly Cities Framework to ensure the outcomes have a specific focus on the priority actions for older people and their families across Cardinia Shire.

Below is a snapshot of some community feedback from older residents.

Your feedback will help us ensure the draft strategy meets your expectations. This information will be collated and will be used to finalise the strategy, which will then be presented to Council and adopted for implementation.

Ageing Well Strategy Framework

Complete the Ageing Well Strategy Survey

The Ageing Well strategy and action plan are grouped into six priority areas;

  • Active ageing and Community Access
  • Education, employment and Civic Participation
  • Respect, Safety and Social Inclusion
  • Health and Social Services
  • Communication and Information
  • Outdoor spaces and Places

We also refer to Objectives and Actions. Below is the definition of each:

Objectives - Outcomes we will achieve by delivering the actions

Actions – The specific tasks or projects that council will deliver to achieve the objectives

In the below survey we ask you to review the objectives and actions and provide any feedback you may have.

Please ensure you press submit at the end of the survey for your feedback to count.

Survey - Now closed

This information will not be used to identify you but may be used to ensure we are hearing from a cross section of our older residents.

This information will not be used to identify you but may be used to ensure we are hearing from older residents of communities across the shire.

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback.