About the Advertising Signage Design Guidelines
A draft Advertising Signage Policy was prepared in 2019 to provide guidance for the design and placement of signs to ensure that they are appropriate for the building and context on which they are to be located. The policy will assist developers, building owners, building tenants, planning permit applicants and residents in understanding what type of signs are supported and are not supported in Cardinia Shire Council.
Council adopted to support exhibition of the Draft at the Council meeting on 21 October 2019 and the draft policy was placed on exhibition from 28 October to 22 November 2019 and included a range of community engagement activities.
Following the exhibition of the draft policy, the Advertising Signage Design Guidelines 2020 was adopted by Council on 17 February 2020.
The Advertising Signage Policy is proposed to be implemented in the Cardinia Planning Scheme via two new signage clauses:
- Clause 22.09 – Signs
- Clause 22.10 – Shopping centre signs.
Clause 21.06 – Urban Design will also be amended to reflect the introduction of these guidelines.
About Amendment C264
Amendment C264 incorporates the Advertising Signage Design Guidelines as a reference document into the Cardinia Planning Scheme.
At the Council meeting on 17 February 2020, Council resolved to adopt the Advertising Signage Policy 2020 and to seek authorisation to prepare Amendment C264.
The amendment applies to all land within the Cardinia Shire.
Specifically, Amendment C264 proposes the following changes to the Cardinia Planning Scheme:
- Insert two new local policies Clause 22.09 Sign Policy and Clause 22.10 Shopping Centres Sign Policy in to the Cardinia Planning Scheme to provide design guidance for new signage.
- Amend Clause 21.06-1 Urban Design, by inserting the Advertising Signage Design Guidelines, Cardinia Shire Council,2020 as a background document into the Cardinia Planning Scheme and removes the further strategic work under this clause which seeks to “Develop an advertising signs policy”.
Amendment C264 is required to implement the Advertising Signage Design Guidelines 2020 into the Cardinia Planning Scheme. This will be done via the introduction of two new policies in the Cardinia Planning Scheme.
The development of the local policies to implement the guidelines will:
- Encourage the development of signage which reflects and respects the context, having regard to built form height and massing, subdivision grain, landscape, road hierarchy, openness of the environment and heritage attributes.
- Protect the important view lines and vistas to key buildings, heritage and landscape qualities which are a highly valued part of the municipality.
- Manage transport corridors with a focus on maintaining road safety, visual order and avoiding clutter.
- Promote economic development and provide equitable identification and marketing of businesses in Cardinia Shire Council.
The local policies will support decision making for the design and placement of signs that are appropriate for various forms of development and context, and to assist developers, building owners, building tenants, planning permit applicants and residents in understanding what type of signs are supported and are not supported in Cardinia Shire Council.
View the Amendment C264 documentation.
Amendment C264 was on exhibition from 6 May 2021 to 7 June 2021.
Submissions for Amendment C264 closed at 5pm on Monday 7 June 2021.
Submissions were received. Of the submissions received, the objections were resolved; therefore, a report to Council was not required.
At the Council meeting on 19 July 2021, Council resolved to adopt Amendment C264.
Amendment C264 was approved.
The official notification is published in the Victoria Government Special Gazette Number S587 Dated 22 October 2021.