About the Officer Major Activity Centre UDF

Officer’s Town Centre is designated as a Major Activity Centre (MAC) in Plan Melbourne 2017- 2050: Metropolitan Planning Strategy, 2017 and is considered the “heart” of the Officer Precinct Structure Plan (PSP). The boundary of the Town Centre was defined in the Officer PSP and has remained the same for the Urban Design Framework (UDF).

The Officer PSP area is predicted to accommodate approximately 10,900 dwellings and 28,300 residents. It will provide accessible transport and community links that maximise pedestrian permeability and safety to ensure convenient access to shopping, local jobs, open space, and community facilities.

The ambition for the Town Centre is to create a diverse and vibrant town centre that accommodates a variety of uses including a range of retail and commercial uses, community facilities and higher density residential options.

Planning in Cardinia Shire Council is undertaken within the context of a range of state and local policies. These policies have and will continue to inform the planning and development of the Town Centre and have been embedded into the role and purpose of this UDF.

Officer MAC Future Urban Structure Plan